Sunday 7 November 2010

Target Audience for a Horror Film

Click on highlighted words for links and definitions
Age Range: 
When deciding on your target audience for a film you must think about the specific age range that you would like to have as your target, you must asked yourself which age range you want as your target audience and why? By choosing this specific age range this will allow you to then look  into other films and do research about what other things attract this age range for example, what genre is a selected favorite from this age range.

     Ethnic Groups:
When producing a film you can also target an audience by the use of a range of different ethnicities in the cast. The race of the characters in the film can be seen as being very important, if the audience are the same race as members of the cast the audience will then feel that they are able to relate to the character. The use of different ethnicities therefore helps to widen the target audiences.

Gender Groups:
It is also very important to think about the gender of your target audience. For example a mixed cast of both male and females will attract both a male and female audience, this will widen the target audience range. Therefore in the opening of our film we hope to cast both main males and females. As well as this, the type of language and clothing and mise-en-scene can also impact what gender will be attracted to the film.

15 certificate: Horror usually has strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.
18 certificate:  Been created through the commission of a criminal offence where material or treatment appears to risk harm to individuals or, through their behaviour, to society. Portrayals of sexual or sexualised violence which might, for example, eroticise or endorse sexual assault where there are more explicit images of sexual activity which cannot be justified by context. 

Case Study One: Scream The horror movie Scream is an 18 certificate. It is targeted for both the males and the females We can see that it should be targeted for an audience above the age of eighteen as it represents horror using weapons and gory images. It also involves sex scenes and offensive language. Scary horror films typically involve psychopathic serial killer wearing masks.    

How Are Social Groups Attracted?
- Other aspects of Media is used such as the internet and radio to advertise the film and make an audience aware of it. They will be used in specific places. For example as the film is an 18, the film would be advertised on a radio station where the majority of the audience is either at or above this age.
- Posters and trailers would also be used to advertise the film, for example the trailer of the film may be shown at a screening of another horror film where the audience is already interested in films of this genre. 
- Good reviews are also important to help attract viewers, as many people listen to others opinions and usually folllow these to help them make their decision on whether or not they will go and watch the film. 
- By putting an attractive actress such as Drew Barrymore on the posters will attract young males and will also attract anybody who is a fan of her work. 

Case Study Two: 28 Days Later
Certificate 18: Sex and Nudity, Severe Violence, Profanity, Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking, Frightening and Intense scenes, including people trying to eat each other.
I think that the film would be suited to both genders, however it would be more popular with males as they stereotypically prefer more gory and violent films. 
Social groups of both genders like shown below may be attracted to this product because of the eye catching trailers and also the titles and the layout of the cover of the film.

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